Assigning a Division and Sites to a User

Note: The division(s) and site(s) that the user has access to are set for the user when the user is added to the application. The user is able to reset his or her default division or default site at the User Preferences page.

The Add User form and the Edit User form contain a Corporate locations section. The Corporate locations portion of the form shows the active Company-Division(s)-Site(s) for your organization. This is where the user is assigned to a division and site.

User form - Showing Corporate Locations section

To add access for this user to a division-site(s) in this organization, mark the checkbox for Division, which also gives the user access to the site or sites in this division.

Corporate Locations portion of User form with Division - Sites marked

When the user goes to the User Preferences page (ToolsUser Preferences), he/she will have these options available in the Default Division/Default Site fields.

User Preferences page

To save the Default Division and Default Site settings, select the Save icon.